If you want to participate in 5 Question Friday, link back to Five Crooked Halos.
1. How much time do you spend on the computer a day?
On and off while Kylar is awake, usually to email my mom back.
Then during nap times, I read all the blogs I have book-marked. I would say maybe 2-3 hours a day-on and off.
2. Will you pay for your children's college or raise them to pay for their own way?
We are still undecided about this. I paid for mine with student loans. Which we are still paying. And Randy's parents paid for his. It sucks paying back the loans, but, I don't think we will pay the full tuition. What I would prefer to do, is set up an account and put X amount of dollars in there for their own use. Whether it be a down payment, a wedding, college or a car, etc, etc. But, we will be talking about this soon, considering we do not have an account set up for Kylar yet :/
3. Have you ever been in a car accident?
Two minor accidents. Of course when I was young and dumb. I rear ended someone (just a little fender bender). Then I was rear ended. Karma apparently!
4. What is your favorite book?
I couldn't even tell you....I used to read a lot. I need to get back on that. But I like cheesy beach reads. Like the shopaholic books and other cheesy romances. When I was younger, I like Little Women and The Secret Garden. Which reminds me....I need to find that book from Mom and Dad's.
5. Do you make your bed everyday?
I have been making a major effort to try and do this every morning. I have been pretty good about it lately. Hopefully it will last.
I bet a lot of people will post they had a fender bender when they were a young driver... seems like it is par for the course
Ooooh, I forgot about the Shopaholic books! LOVE those!!
Popping in from 5QF McLinky
I totally forgot about Secret Garden... that was one of my faves as a kid....
Love the Shopaholic books!!
Your blog is super cute!
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